Congrats to this week’s Media Preferences survey winner!

Congratulations, Alex, an East Bethel student who was this week’s $100 weekly winner in the Media Preferences survey. Alex is majoring in English with publishing and English education. There’s one more chance to win $100, so tell us your communication and media preferences by April 4! Survey link: minnesota4 Be sure to answer ‘yes’ to participate in the prize drawing at […]

Pronouns are now on the employee directory

The web team has implemented a new pronoun drop-down for the employee directory. The pronoun options will be consistent with what is offered for business cards and name badges. Employees will not be able to input their own pronouns. He, Him, His She, Her, Hers They, Them, Theirs Zie, Hir Hirs  Log in to Employee Directory Profile Management to make your pronoun […]

Changes to Email Functions in D2L Brightspace, Effective Immediately

In collaboration with D2L, Minnesota State implemented changes to the email functions available within campus Brightspace sites.  These changes were made so emails sent from the Brightspace email tool will only be delivered to classlists or members of current active courses for all users.  D2L and Minnesota State made this change to reduce the possibility of unsolicited messages being sent […]