Dragons Care Plan Update: September 10, 2020

Dear MSUM Students, You are doing the important work of helping to keep our Dragon Family safe by wearing masks, maintaining physical distancing, and washing your hands. Thank you! Today’s communication provides some important information about resources for you: 1)      Student COVID-19 Reports In order to serve students who have tested positive for COVID-19, or have come into close contact with […]

DragonsWork: Learning LinkedIn

Thursday, September 10 | 2 – 3 p.m. | Hosted on Zoom Meeting URL: https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/99788136421Meeting ID: 997 8813 6421 “It is no longer enough to simply have a solid resume … students now need a professional online presence.” Sarah Kenz, Talent Acquisition Specialist with Titan Machinery, uses LinkedIn regularly as she looks to recruit new talent to add to the […]