Wisenden publishes paper in international peer-reviewed journal

Brian Wisenden, Biosciences Department, published a paper in the international peer-reviewed Wilson Journal of Ornithology on signal evolution in red-winged blackbirds. Collaborators on this project were Muir Eaton from Drake University and 23 undergraduates who comprised the summer field courses in Animal Behavior (Wisenden) and Field Ornithology (Eaton) at the Itasca Biological Field Station, University of Minnesota. Open-ended inquiry-based pedagogy is a powerful tool for preparing students for future careers in the sciences. The full citation for this paper is:

Wisenden BD, Eaton MD, Arendell M, Bushlack BR, Clark IJ, Egan DL, Faulkner AE, Fox M, Fox MC, Gilbert C, Gillen JC, Greenberg JS, Holstrom IE, Kobilka AC, Lee AE, Molitor SA, Parker AB, Pokutnaya D, Polanco I, Powers D, Skelly KM, Skogen EE, Taylor S, Wiswall TR, Zahedi M. 2020. Male red-winged blackbirds (Aegaius phoeniceus) respond with greater intensity to epaulets with UV reflectance. Wilson J Ornithol. In Press

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