MSUM Beta Gamma Sigma recognized as Highest Honors Chapter for 2018-2019 academic year

The Beta Gamma Sigma Chapter at the Paseka School of Business of MSUM has been recognized three years in a row by its international organization, BGS Global HQ, as a Highest Honors Chapter since the chapter received its first recognition in the 2016-2017 academic year. This recognition is indicative of a campus where academic excellence is highly valued and where your chapter officers work diligently to enhance Beta Gamma Sigma’s stature on campus. There are three levels of honors: Highest Honors, High Honors, and Honors among AACSB accredited schools worldwide. As a highest honors chapter (top 10% among those schools), MSUM is eligible for several benefits.

MSUM Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) Chapter is eligible to nominate the following awards:

  • Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award
  • Business Achievement Award
  • Entrepreneurial Achievement Award

In addition to these eligibilities, most notably, the chapter has earned one Global Leadership Summit Registration Scholarship which covers the cost of one student registration, 3 nights of hotel accommodations (based on double occupancy), program materials, and most meals for the 2019 Global Leadership Summit (GLS) in Chicago, IL. This event will take place Oct. 31 – Nov. 3, 2019.

Julia Stenberg and Kassondra Kruckeberg have been selected as student officers to represent MSUM BGS Chapter, and their travel scholarship is supported by MSUM BGS chapter at the Paseka School of Business. Especially, Julia Stenberg was selected as a recipient of the Honor Roll scholarship from Beta Gamma Sigma. Please congratulate on Julia’s outstanding achievement!

Beta Gamma Sigma is the international honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB International (Top 10% students who achieve academic excellence among the AACSB accredited schools – Top 5% business schools worldwide). The mission of the International Honor Society Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business, to cultivate and celebrate leadership and professional excellence, to advance the values of the society, and to serve its lifelong members.

MSUM’s Beta Gamma Sigma chapter in the 2018-2019 academic year had an excellent leadership under Denise Gorsline (Former Interim Dean of College of Business and Innovation) and Marsha Weber (Former Interim VP of Academic Affairs), and advised by Wooyang Kim, Gokce Serdar and Hyun Sang An (Faculty of Paseka School of Business).

The student leadership of MSUM’s Beta Gamma Sigma in 2019-2020 is Julia Stenberg (President), Kassondra Kruckeberg (Vice President) and Rebecca Rage (Treasurer). The former presidents of Beta Gamma Sigma were Katelyn Herfindahl (2016-2017), Cody Christ (2017-2018), and Aleta Sanford (2018-2019), and they successfully led this student organization to represent the Paseka School of Business at MSUM as student ambassadors. The current advisors of Beta Gamma Sigma in the 2019-2020 academic year are Hyun Sang An, Mohamed Elbannan, and Gokce Serdar.