Free App Week
Apply for free Oct. 23-30
Friday, Oct. 27 | 7 p.m. | Glasrud Auditorium
The Faculty Development Center is using this survey to gather information from faculty about their perspective and experiences related to acts of academic dishonesty by their students during the past two years and the institutional structures currently in place to follow up on these acts. We will use this information to help develop professional development sessions related to this topic. […]
Tuesday, Oct. 24 | 3-4 p.m. | Intercultural Center This student-led panel discussion will examine recent fashion and pop culture trends that “borrow” inspiration from other cultures in an increasingly globalized world, especially when it comes to women’s fashion. Student panelists will address tough questions like: what does it really mean to appropriate something from another culture? How is appropriation fueled […]
Tuesday, Oct. 24 | 4-5 p.m. | Langseth 118 Dr. Paul Kramer, a professor in Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Department of Economics, Law and Politics, will present a free public lecture on “Who is manipulating your vote” Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 4 p.m. in Langseth Hall 118.