School of Teaching and Learning Faculty Present at Conference

Deanne Borgeson, Keri DeSutter, Marci Glessner, and Shirley Johnson, School of Teaching and Learning, recently attended and presented at the Teacher Education Division Conference of the Council for Exceptional Children held in Lexington, Ky. In total faculty presented four presentations:

  1. Improving Teacher Preparation for Inclusive Education: Standards Matter (Keri DeSutter)
  2. Putting the Teaching Back into Online Teaching (Keri DeSutter and Shirley Johnson)
  3. Active Integration of Standards and Professional Organizations into Coursework (Marci Glessner, Deanne Borgeson, and Keri DeSutter)
  4. Developing a One-Stop Advising Site with Your Online Learning Management System (Marci Glessner and Deanne Borgeson)