Kudos to AISA!!

December is in full swing and November almost seems like a distant memory! But lets not forget November was a very important month for one group on this campus: AISA, MSUMs’ American Indian Student Association celebrated and raised awareness all November long for American Indian Heritage Month!


AISA is a student organization that provides a platform for  American Indian students to put on events and build community. At MSUM there is about 70 American Indian students on campus and about 10 of them are actively involved in putting on events to bring the community together as a whole.

Brianna Bradley, president of MSUMs’ American Indian Student Association, stressed the importance of this group on campus because it helps student feel more connected to their heritage even when they are away from family that might live on a reservation.BriBradley

Bradley also headed up the majority of the events throughout the month of November. American Indian Heritage Month always starts off with an opening pipe ceremony! Bradley expressed excitement about a larger than usual attendance!! The rest of the month included events like a panel discussing offensive Halloween costumes, showings of documentaries, and of course the annual sweat lodge ceremonies that bring in several community members!

This isn’t the last you’ll hear from AISA, there is a  Tri-college Pow Wow set for April next semester! So put that in the back of your mind and I’ll be sure to remind you when the festivities are closer because you won’t want to miss out on this great cultural experience!