Looking to Get Involved?

Did you know there are more than 120 student organizations at MSUM? Perhaps you saw many of them at DragonFest today, along with many other campus and community partners. (And maybe you even played the CMU carnival-style pool game during DragonFest!)

Student organizations at MSUM are widely varied. Everything from Anime Club to Chemistry Club to Glee Club to Nepali Student Association to Students Today Leaders Forever and so many more! The student organizations range from academic to “just-for-fun” to skills based to cultural to service-based and more. We love that so many student groups use the student union day in and day out for meetings, hang out time, and events. Really, without our students, what would the CMU be?!

If you’re looking for a place to get involved and get connected–the student union is the place to come. Head on up to the Office of Student Activities (OSA) in room 222 to get the low down on all the organizations. Or check out the online listing on the OSA website. If you’re not sure which organization is exactly right for you, Student Organization Specialists Joe and Loveth will be happy to help!

Finally, if you need a little more convincing about why getting involved on campus at MSUM is going to be more than worth your time, don’t take it from us. Let these students tell you.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqAYwuSuM80] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCqzd03P_bA]