Don’t underestimate seasonal flu

Flu is a highly infectious illness that spreads rapidly through coughs and sneezes of people who are carrying the virus. It occurs every year. Minnesota is experiencing record high cases, nearly equaling that of the H1N1 pandemic.

Flu symptoms hit you suddenly and severely. They usually include fever, chills, headache and aching muscles and you often get a cough and sore throat at the same time. A virus causes the flu so antibiotics will not treat it.

Do not underestimate the effects of seasonal flu. It can seriously affect your health, and the risks of developing complications are greater if you have certain pre-existing medical conditions.

To protect yourself, students can still get the vaccine at Hendrix Health Center,

Other precautions: 1) Wash your hands; 2) Cover your cough; and 3) Stay home if you are sick.

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