Pam McGee elected president of ATMAE’s women in technology division

Pam McGee, Operations Management, has been elected the president of the Women in Technology Division of the Association of Technical Management and Applied Engineering. The Women in Technology Division’s vision is to encourage and empower women in the fields of technology, applied engineering and management. The mission of the Women in Technology Division is to recruit and engage women in ATMAE, and to promote and support ATMAE’s vision and mission by empowering women. The Women in Technology Division was established by the Executive Board at the 2009 ATMAE Conference.

She was also re-appointed as a Management Division Representative to the Association of Technical Management and Applied Engineering Foundation Board. The Foundation Board is organized exclusively to actively and aggressively solicit funds from individuals, organizations, and trusts to support activities consistent with the purpose and objectives of ATMAE as established in the organization’s Constitution and Bylaws.

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