MSUM’s Combined Charities Campaign has been extended

The MSU Moorhead Combined Charities Campaign goal was set at $63,000 for 2010-2011. To date, MSUM faculty and staff have donated 51% of the goal with a total of $32,283. If you haven’t participated in this year’s campaign, you are urged to give it your consideration while there’s still time. It’s easy to do. The Combined Charities Campaign offers quality choices for your philanthropy. The options include the United Way of Cass-Clay, which serves Moorhead and Fargo. Your contribution would be tax deductible.

MSUM employees make a difference! Our community sees important results because state employees care. Last year MSUM contributed $57,094 to the Combined Charities Campaign–a significant investment in the well-being of our community and state. The gifts from faculty and staff helped the less fortunate, provided services and support for children, families, and schools, and assisted with environmental issues. In ways direct and indirect, we are all touched by the work of agencies supported by the campaign. If you have not yet made your donation, the Human Resources office can assist you. You can contact Deb Lewis by phone—2158—or by email— The options for participation include convenient payroll deduction. No gift is too small. One or two dollars per paycheck can give hope and help make improvements. The campaign is a wonderfully efficient way to provide for basic needs, support prevention and development, and secure lasting community change. For example, a pledge of just $1.00 per pay period to the United Way of Cass Clay will buy twelve books for a preschool child in Clay or Cass County.
If you make a contribution online, please contact Deb. MSUM does not receive a state report about charitable deductions made by employees using the online self-service site, which means HR must hear from you in order to fully report the university’s support of this effort to the local community. Together we can make a difference. Pledge today!