Dear Harvey reading Oct. 22

An Evening of Powerful Theatre

MSUM’s Theatre Arts Department and MSUM’s Gay Straight Alliance proudly present a reading of Dear Harvey Friday, October 22 at 7:30 p.m. on the Gaede Stage in the Roland Dille Center for the Arts. It’s free and open to the public. A post-show discussion will follow.

Harvey Milk, the first openly elected gay official in California, won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in January 1978. Eleven months later he was assassinated in City Hall. In 2008, Patricia Loughrey conducted dozens of interviews with community leaders and Harvey’s friends and family, and the play Dear Harvey was born. Presented in conjunction with MSUM’s celebration of Coming Out Week, the play is heartfelt, inspiring and honest.

For more information about the reading, please contact Craig A. Ellingson at

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