Women’s Studies presents The Group That Opened the Box

MSUM Women’s Studies proudly invites you to experience an original play written and performed by five North Dakota teens, Dr. Kathy Blohm (of Chambers & Blohm Psychological Services), and Bush Artist Fellow Karen Van Fossan (of Dragon Jane Theater Company). The Group That Opened the Box, presented Saturday, January 16 at 7 p.m. in MSUM’s Weld Hall Glasrud Auditorium, explores public silence about adolescent sexuality, desire and mental health.

Together, they wrote, co-created, and produced a full-length play, addressing a range of hush-hush topics in humorous, dynamic ways. They hope to empower diverse youth of various races, abilities, and sexual and gender orientations.

After the show, and with the assistance of their mentors, participants in The Group will facilitate open, truthful, public discussions of adolescent sexuality, desire, and mental health — thus giving voice to a range of experiences, and empowering teens to emerge as agents of social change. The event is free and open to the public, with freewill donations gratefully accepted to benefit the production.

In their work together, participants in The Group have created a supportive, courageous community among themselves; in each performance and discussion, participants will share this vision with the public. Their power to envision a more just society — and to co-create a society founded on those values — has the potential to effect powerful change among the larger community.

The Group That Opened the Box is a collaborative venture between the ND Women’s Network, whose mission is to advance social justice for women and girls; Dragon Jane Theater Company, whose mission is to promote social justice through theater arts; and Chambers & Blohm Psychological Services, whose mission is to enhance adolescent mental health. Other collaborators include a range of talented artists including Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson, filmmaker and MSUM Film Studies Professor; Kristi Rasmussen, visual artist; and Kris Kitko, singer/songwriter. MSUM Women’s Studies is sponsoring and hosting the January 16 performance.

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