Combined Charities Campaign Underway

We’ve had a challenging year. The economic downturn hit our campus and the Red River almost overwhelmed our community. In response, we made decisions about our finances that will guide us in the coming year and we worked together to protect our neighbors. It wasn’t easy, but it was much tougher for many families in our community. Local shelters and food pantries are dealing with a sharp increase in need.

The annual Combined Charities Campaign started on October 1st. The campaign is administered by Minnesota state employees. You will have the opportunity to make a pledge to donate funds to a charity of your choice. For Minnesota State University Moorhead employees, the campaign is an opportunity to invest in what you value.  Your donation, small or large, will make a difference. You may choose to support programs that meet humanitarian needs as well as programs that aim to create lasting change in our communities.

With the Combined Charities payroll deduction plan, you can pay your gift over the year, or you may choose a one-time donation to the charity of your choice. Last year, MSUM employees contributed $61,319.96 most of which was designated to the United Way of Cass-Clay. Because of your generosity, your communities are better places to live. This year our campus goal has been increased by 3 ½%. Considering the need, I hope we can surpass it.

MSUM’s Combined Charities Campaign leadership team is comprised of Deb Lewis (2158), Karen Mehnert-Meland (2447), and Peg Potter (2805). They’ve assembled 60 people to make personal visits during the month of October. Together, we pursue important goals with our philanthropy. Please consider the contribution you could make by participating in the Combined Charities Campaign!