Sustainable Students Association: Take Back Jack

Wednesday, Nov. 2 | 6-9 p.m. Come help Minnesota State University Moorhead’s sustainability group (Sustainable Students Association) recycle/compost pumpkins around the community. We will be dividing up into groups and then going around the neighborhood and knocking on people’s doors to ask them permission to take their pumpkin(s) and recycle them. We will also be going around the outside of […]

No DAPL Letter Writing Party

Thursday, Oct. 13 | 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. | Intercultural Center Do you disagree with the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)? Let the banks that are funding the DAPL know by writing them a letter urging them to stop funding the DAPL, or write letters to legislators letting them know how important this issue is and ask for their support.