
Since we can pretty safely assume you don’t have x-ray vision to see behind the construction walls in the student union, let us give you a peek at what’s happening! The major progress made this week has been getting the sheet rock in place.

We’re Making Progress

We’re making progress on the new C-Store! Yes, indeed, there has been a lot happening behind the walls in the student union with the funny half pink door. In the last two weeks, the contractors have finished off the electrical, put in the major duct work, and nearly finished framing up the new walls! The east wall will be home […]

Looking to Get Involved?

Did you know there are more than 120 student organizations at MSUM? Perhaps you saw many of them at DragonFest today, along with many other campus and community partners. (And maybe you even played the CMU carnival-style pool game during DragonFest!) Student organizations at MSUM are widely varied. Everything from Anime Club to Chemistry Club to Glee Club to Nepali […]

The ROC is Rockin’

Ahhhh the academic year has started and it’s so good to have the student union full of students again after the summer! One place in the CMU we’ve been seeing oodles of students is in our Rec & Outing Center, A.K.A. the ROC. Our pool tables and snooker table are always popular–and there are some real billiards afficionados at MSUM! […]

35 Years Serving MSUM: Karen Mehnert-Meland

If you’ve ever been in the student union at MSUM, you’ve probably seen or met Karen Mehnert-Meland. She’s full of life, wisdom and compassion, which makes her a perfect fit for a long career in student life! Today marks exactly 35 years that Karen has been serving the students, staff and faculty at MSUM as a professional, though she’s been […]