MSUM Planetarium awarded $58,000 for hardware upgrade.

Last week, Student Senate reviewed Student Technology Fee requests and approved the funding request for Planetarium Upgrades in the amount of $58,000.00.  These hardware upgrades include a new, higher resolution fulldome projector, CPU update and upgrade, as well as the necessary equipment to make team-building through cooperative gaming in the planetarium, particularly the Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, a permanent fixture.

Student Senate Elections close Dec. 2

Student Senate Elections are upon us! The seats up for election are Residence Hall/Off-Campus seats. To vote for your potential Senator of choice click here. Write-ins are allowed as well. You have until December 2nd to vote.  Don’t wait to cast your vote and be sure to tell your friends!

Run for Student Senate

If you are interested in running for Student Senate click here to view the current positions that are up for re-election. If you have any questions stop by CMU 108 or give Will the election board chair a call at 817-948-8936. Filing closes on the April 25.