Scheduling Services – EMS Downtime

On Sunday, Dec. 8 between 5 a.m. and 9 a.m., EMS will be unavailable for maintenance. Users attempting to use EMS (Desktop, Virtual & MasterCalendar) will get the status page, which will be updated to let them know why it is down and when we expect it backup.

Scheduling changes and updates

What is happening in Scheduling? MSUM will be getting an upgrade to our EMS software. More than two years ago, MnSCU started the process of looking at scheduling software for all MnSCU institutions. Since then, MnSCU has worked with many people from across all campuses to put in motion the purchase and implementation of the Dean Evan’s product, EMS Campus. […]

Scheduling Services & Event Planning

As you know, Scheduling Services has undergone many transitions this past year. Our mission is to provide professional planning support and information for every event on campus resulting in efficient space management and successful campus events in order to provide a positive reflection of MSUM. To help you plan a successful event, we have put together many event planning tools on the […]