Lean furniture project on website

Lean project teams continue to make strides in improving processes throughout campus. The Furniture Acquisition and Inventory project scope was to examine and redesign the furniture inventory and acquisition process from request by faculty and/or staff to delivery of furniture in academic buildings. The project team has presented its final report to Vice President Jan Mahoney, and the project recommendations […]

Pam McGee to present at ATMAE conference

Pam McGee, Technology, and Mary Richards, Essentia West Region Health Care, had a presentation proposal, titled “Lean Health Care: It’s an Emergency!”, accepted after peer review by the Association of Technical Management and Applied Engineering. They will present at the ATMAE Fall 2011 conference in Columbus, Ohio. Their presentation will showcase: a) Lessons learned, best practices, and tools utilized when […]

Lean continues to move forward

MSUM has recently launched three new Educational Lean projects that will get underway spring semester. The projects and lean facilitators are: furniture acquisition and inventory (Anita Bender and Kristi Monson); central inventory (Kirsti Fleming and Dan Heckaman); and the hiring process (JoDee Haugrud and Diane Wolter).

MSUM Launches “Educational LEAN” Initiative

At our December Town Hall meetings, I announced the “Educational Lean” concept as an important new initiative for MSUM. Lean will help us succeed in the “new normal” environment at MSUM that resulted from the recent budget cuts. It will help us understand our current environment (“how do we operate today”) and create improved future processes (“how can a process better serve our customers”). At the January 20th Town Hall meetings, I will explain how Lean is one tool within the broader context of organizational change for MSUM. After that discussion, members of our Lean team and the Winona Lean directors will provide more detail on Lean and how we will roll it out at MSUM. Supervisory staff will have attended a half-day session the day before and will have received more detailed information to be shared with their teams. Communication sessions, facilitator selection, training and project selection will follow in the coming weeks. A dedicated Educational Lean website will be set up so that new information can be easily and quickly shared. Click headline to read more of President Edna’s comments about LEAN. The Facilitator Application is at the bottom of the full article on Dragon Digest.

Town Hall Meetings Tuesday, Dec. 15

President Szymanski will host Campus Town Hall meetings Tuesday, December 15, 2009, at 6:30 a.m. (OW 201), 10:00 a.m. (CMU Ballroom), and 3:00 p.m. (CMU Ballroom). Everyone on campus is invited to attend a meeting.In addition to the town hall meetings, President Edna will hold open office hours in OW 203 on the following dates: Wednesday, December 16 from 8-11 a.m. and Thursday, December 17 from 1-4 p.m. Employees are invited to share their concerns and suggestions with her individually during these times. Click the headline for town hall meeting agenda.