MSUM Launches “Educational LEAN” Initiative

At our December Town Hall meetings, I announced the “Educational Lean” concept as an important new initiative for MSUM. Lean will help us succeed in the “new normal” environment at MSUM that resulted from the recent budget cuts. It will help us understand our current environment (“how do we operate today”) and create improved future processes (“how can a process better serve our customers”). At the January 20th Town Hall meetings, I will explain how Lean is one tool within the broader context of organizational change for MSUM. After that discussion, members of our Lean team and the Winona Lean directors will provide more detail on Lean and how we will roll it out at MSUM. Supervisory staff will have attended a half-day session the day before and will have received more detailed information to be shared with their teams. Communication sessions, facilitator selection, training and project selection will follow in the coming weeks. A dedicated Educational Lean website will be set up so that new information can be easily and quickly shared. Click headline to read more of President Edna’s comments about LEAN. The Facilitator Application is at the bottom of the full article on Dragon Digest.