Dolence offers assistance with distance education classes

With the semester now underway, Travis Dolence is offering assistance with your distance education classes. As the Distance Learning Librarian, Dolence is dedicated to helping you and your students locate quality research materials and assistance. Creating online course-specific “pathfinders” or help sheets for Library resources. These online help sheets can be tailored for any class and can included web resources, […]

Purge scheduled for Fall 2010 Desire2Learn courses

The Fall 2010 Desire2Learn courses* (ISRS YRTR 20113) will be purged starting Feb. 1. Instructional Technology Services can provide assistance to faculty who would like to export D2L course materials and grade books. As a best practice, it is advisable to export grade books and any other pertinent course materials or course data at the end of each semester.

Travis Dolence receives MERLOT award

Congratulations to the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, and also to Travis Dolence, MSUM’s Distance Learning Librarian, for being recognized by MERLOT (the Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) with a “MERLOT Outstanding Partner Award” for significant contributions and support to academic technologies and educational leadership. This award is reserved for partner institutions with a five-year history as a MERLOT Higher Education Partner or Affiliate. Dolence is on the Editorial Board for MERLOT’s Library and Information Services division. He’ll be attending the Sloan Consortium/MERLOT/MoodleMoot symposium, “Emerging Technologies for Online Learning,” July 20-23, 2010, in San Jose, Calif. MnSCU will be recognized during a special ceremony at the conference for its work with MERLOT.