Trinidad Abroad interest meetings

Sept. 18 & 26 | 7-7:30 p.m. | CMU 225 Trinidad Abroad will host the first of two interest meetings this Tuesday at 7 p.m. in CMU 225. If you’re curious about this unique study-abroad opportunity, come on by and find out more. You can complete MUS 315 “World Music” (a LASC Goal 8 “Global Studies” course!) on the warm […]

Trinidad Abroad interest meetings Tuesday and Wednesday

Wednesday, May 2 | Noon | CA 146 Why freeze in Fargo when you can study abroad in Trinidad? Join us for an 11-day study abroad session during the winter break of 2018-19 (missing no classes!) in Trinidad and knock-out a LASC “Global Studies” course: MUS 316 “World Music.” Learn about the music of the world while taking hands-on lessons […]

Study abroad to Greece information sessions

Wednesday, May 2 | 4 p.m. | Bridges 162 Join us on a study abroad to Greece. Information sessions will be held on 4/30 at 4 p.m. in Murray Commons and on 5/2 at 4 p.m. in Bridges 162. Dr. Mary Dosch and Vicki Riedinger will lead a Greece Study Abroad for Spring Semester 2019. This is a 12-day study […]

Study Abroad Student Panel at SAC

Tuesday, April 17 | 9:40 a.m. | CMU 207 Come to the Study Abroad Student Panel at the Student Academic Conference to hear about the student experience on three different types of study abroad programs. MSUM students who studied in Japan and on Eurospring, along with an international student who is studying away from home while at MSUM, will share […]

Short-term study abroad course proposals

Faculty interested in leading a short-term study abroad course in 2019 are invited to submit proposals. Information about the process is available on the MSUM webpage: Note that the access to this information is not available through the Study Abroad webpage, but rather through the “myMSUM” Faculty and Staff portal; click on “Study Abroad” under “Academic Resources.” Short-term faculty-led […]