Study Abroad Opportunity for Education and Social Work Majors

Human Rights: Local and Global Connections This class will focus on the social, political, and cultural issues related to human rights in both local and global contexts. Students will examine how the history of colonization has affected indigenous populations in relation to education and wellness, the current challenges facing these communities and the practices that are being used to work […]

Trinidad Abroad applications due Oct. 1

You can freeze in Fargo or you can travel to Trinidad this January as a part of the MSUM Trinidad Abroad tour while completing 3 hours of LASC 8 “Global Studies” coursework! Applications are due by Oct. 1 to the Center for the Arts Music Office along with a $45 deposit check. To download an application and to view a […]

Eurospring information sessions

Sept. 24, 25 & 26 | CMU 203 Do you dream of living in England and studying and traveling in Europe? Eurospring may be the ideal study abroad program for you. Information sessions for Eurospring 2019 will be held on Monday, Sept. 24 at noon and 4 p.m., on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 10 a.m., and Wednesday, Sept. 26 at […]

Trinidad Abroad final interest meeting

Wednesday, Sept. 26 | 7-7:30 p.m. | CMU 225 Would you like to study abroad without missing any of your spring semester courses? Come to the Trinidad Abroad Final Interest Meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 26 in CMU rm. 225 at 7 p.m. to find out about how you can complete a LASC 8 “Global Studies” course Jan. 2-13 while in […]