Who’s Who Seeks Nominations

The Office of Student Activities invites you to participate in the Who’s Who
Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Program. For more than 70
years, in over 2300 institutions in all 50 states, this national program has
honored outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic and co-curricular
achievements. You now have the opportunity to nominate worthy students for this honor.
Criteria include a GPA of 3.0 or higher, participation and leadership in
academic and co-curricular activities, and service to the University and
community. To nominate, simply go to
www.mnstate.edu/osa/resources/forms/whoswhonominationform.htm and complete the
nomination form. Click headline for more information.

e2campus Update

If e2campus recently sent a message notifying you to renew your subscription, we have automatically reset your account to reflect the change. Each new account is set up with an expiration date as a way to purge users from the system that may no longer attend MSUM or may want to stop messaging. If you would like to discontinue receiving emergency text alerts please email e2campus@mnstate.edu and we will manually remove you from our system.   

Write Site Opens in New Location Jan. 20

The Write Site will reopen in its new location at Lommen 95 at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 20. Hours are 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Friday. The Write Site will also be open three nights a week in Lommen 95. Hours are 8-10 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday. Click headline for more information.

MSUM seeks Homecoming coordinator

Do you know students with excellent event planning skills and Dragon pride? Encourage them to apply for a Homecoming Coordinator position. MSUM Homecoming and the Office of Student Activities are now accepting applications for the 2010 Homecoming Coordinators. Applications are due on Jan. 19th at 10pm and students can apply at www.mnstate.edu/osa Click headline for details.

Who’s Who Nominations

The Office of Student Activities invites you to participate in the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Program. Criteria include a GPA of 3.0 or higher, participation and leadership in academic and co-curricular activities, and service to the University and community. To nominate, simply go to www.mnstate.edu/osa/resources/forms/whoswhonominationform.htm and complete the nomination form. All nominations are due Friday, February 5, 2010. Click the headline for more information.