Who’s Who Among Students seeks nominations

The Office of Student Activities invites you to participate in the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges Program. For more than 70 years, in over 2,300 institutions in all 50 states, this national program has honored outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic and co-curricular achievements. You now have the opportunity to nominate worthy students for this honor. Criteria […]

Self-Defense Program

All MSUM women are invited to participate in a small group and structured self-defense program. Please consider participating in this great opportunity. Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) is a nationally recognized self-defense program that teaches women to  recognize, avoid and defend themselves from being physically attacked. RAD is a combination of simple, effective physical techniques specifically designed for females along with […]

MLK Dedication Program 2011

Keynote will be at 7pm, January 18th, 2011 Location is in the CMU Ballroom Theme of Keynote: Understanding what Dr. King stands for: Fulfilling your role in society Free event open to all MSUM students and public *This will also be the kick-off to a month long service challenge for student groups to impact their community- *Time frame: Jan 18th-Feb18th, […]

Professor, honors apprentice present at conference

Anthony Adah, Film Studies, and Film Studies Honors Apprentice, Simone LeClaire, co-presented a paper titled, “Love and Desire in Failed States: Melodrama and Nationhood in Nollywood Video Films” at the biennial Film & History Conference, Nov. 11-14 in Milwaukee. The paper analyzed the formal and stylistic suitability of this genre for addressing times of socio-political crises.

Students presented talk at higher education conference

Sean Taylor, History, and Peter Quinn, Social Studies, presented a talk entitled “Playing Games in Class: Using Historical Simulations to Facilitate Critical Thinking in the Classroom” at a November conference on higher education in Minneapolis. The presentation included a re-enactment of the Boston Massacre to demonstrate active learning and game-playing pedagogy in a classroom run by students.