Art students nab several awards

Five students earn awards, including Student Best of Show The American Advertising Federation of North Dakota announced the winners of its annual ADDY competition at an awards ceremony last month in Fargo. Amber Power and Dominic Brouillard tied for the 2010 Gold Addy and Student Best of Show award. Power created a consumer or trade publication campaign for First Link’s […]

Fuselier, Malott, Bougary get published in BAMBED

Linda Fuselier, Biosciences & Women’s Studies, Dean Michelle Malott, Social and Natural Sciences, and student Azhar Bougary, published a manuscript in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (BAMBED) in a special edition issue on innovations in molecular biology education. The article is entitled “From trace evidence to bioinformatics: putting bryophytes into molecular biology education.” BAMBED 39(1): 38-46.

International Women’s Day

A student panel discussing issues around access to food will be held Tuesday, March 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in CMU Ballroom A. Also included: a light lunch of brown rice and beans and Sri Lanka dancing performance. Free! Sponsored by Women’s Studies