Dragon Leadership Program deadline tomorrow

Deadline for Letters of Interest to the Dragon Leadership Program is Friday, Sept. 20. The Dragon Leadership Program provides practical and relevant opportunities for you to develop leadership skills both in and out of the classroom. In addition, you are paired with a faculty/staff mentor that helps you throughout the process and provides guidance. For more information about the DLP, […]

125 Things We Love About MSUM

The question of the week is here! Where is/was your favorite place to relax on campus, and why? Where do you go to de-stress and get away from all the activity? Your answer could be featured in our next magazine issue or on the 125th timeline! www.mnstate.edu/125th. Please include your grad year or year in school. Email your responses to: […]

Pick up your free WALKtober pedometers

FREE WALKtober pedometers may be picked up at Hendrix from Sept. 23 through Sept.27. WALKtober will begin the following week, Sept. 30, and continue until Oct. 25. WALKtober Guidelines: •Make sure you’ve picked up your FREE pedometer from the Hendrix front desk. •This event goes for 4 weeks, starting Monday, Sept. 30. •Faculty, staff, or students may participate. Put on […]

Eurospring information sessions

Eurospring info sessions, for all students interested in Eurospring 2014, will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 2 p.m. in CMU 227; on Thursday, Sept. 26 at noon in CMU 203, and on Sept. 26 at 4 p.m. in CMU 203. Stop in at a session to meet the faculty and get your questions answered. web.mnstate.edu/studyabroad/eurospring.cfm

Join Emerging Leaders

Emerging Leaders is an eight-week leadership program for all MSUM students. Fall sessions are Tuesdays 3-4 p.m., Wednesdays 3-4 p.m., and Thursdays 4:30-5:30 p.m. Benefits of Emerging Leaders: creating stronger ties to MSUM campus community, greater understanding of self, meeting new people, building a relationship with the facilitators for future recommendation letters, building leadership skills, and it’s free! More information […]