Faculty voice recital Oct. 19

There will be a faculty voice recital Oct. 19 at 7:30 in Gaede Theater. Please come and enjoy an evening of British and American Art song performed by Jenny Dufault (voice) and Sue Nagel (piano), with special guest Tiana Grise (flute). The event is free and open to the public. The evening will feature works by Britten, Copland, Grainger, Harbison, […]

Visit with President Edna Szymanski today

President Edna Szymanski offers MSUM students the opportunity to visit with her Thursday, Oct. 10 from 1-3 p.m. in the Office of the President, Owens Hall 203. Come alone or come as a small group. Share an idea or ask a question. No appointment is necessary; show up anytime between 1-3 p.m. With it being Leadership Week, this is a […]

MSUM hosted URMS8 meeting

MSUM was host to the 8th Undergraduate Research in the Molecular Sciences Meeting (URMS8) on Oct. 4 and 5. Approximately 30 undergraduates from the region presented their research to the 70+ attendees, with featured keynote talks from Dr. Robert Kane (Baylor University) and Rosa Miller (3M, retired) as well as breakout sessions on graduate school, professional school and getting a […]