Mandatory organization treasurer meetings Sept. 15 or Sept. 20

Mandatory Organization Treasurer meetings for student treasurers/budget managers of each recognized student organization at MSUM will be held Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 5 p.m. in CMU 227 OR Monday, Sept. 20 at 5 p.m. in CMU 203. These meetings are meant to help recognized organizations succeed financially. Topics Include: current account balances, new travel policy, reimbursing organization members for out of pocket […]

Be a Kid Again! Decorate your office for Homecoming

As you all know Fall is approaching fast and with that comes a little thing called Homecoming! This year’s theme is: BE A KID AGAIN, October 12-17! We want to remind all offices about the office decorating contest so you can start thinking and letting those creative juices flow! Let’s get some school spirit and be proud of our university! […]

Student Activities accepting “Of the Month” nominations

The Office of Student Activities is accepting “Of the Month” nominations for: Student Organization Leader, Student Organization Advisor, and Student Organization. Do you believe that your organization is deserving of an award for an achievement that it has accomplished? Know of a student leader who has gone beyond what is needed? Has your student organization advisor always been available for your organization in time […]

Faculty, staff advisors needed

Every year students begin the process of becoming a student organization. However, one requirement of becoming a recognized student organization is having an MSUM faculty or staff advisor. Sometimes it is difficult for students to find a faculty or staff member who is willing to make that commitment. Therefore, the Office of Student Activities would like to find any faculty or […]

Calling all Greek alums

As members of Greek Life you undoubtedly know the tremendous asset sororities and fraternities provide to their alma maters.  The Office of Student Activities is continuing our campaign to bring Greek Life awareness to campus and we need your help! We will be sending out a monthly newsletter spotlighting a staff/faculty member that is a Greek Alum.  You will be […]