MSUM celebrates American Indian heritage month

ALL EVENTS ARE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! NOVEMBER 11 9 a.m., Opening Pipe Ceremony (Front of Library), Delvin J. Rogers, Jr. Spiritual Helpers, Advisor to Native American Commission of Fargo 9:15 a.m., Session I and Session II, Native story telling with Mike Gabbard (CMU 205); Allan Demaray, Native Flute (CMU 203) 10:30 a.m., Session III and Session IV, […]

Student Organization Leader of the Month Award

The Student Organization Advisory Committee is pleased to present Ashley Harrington with November Student Organization Leader of the Month Award. Ashley was nominated for her commitment and efforts toward Homecoming. Ashley Harrington is a hard worker and able to multi task like no other; these qualities have earned her the respect she deserves from her co-workers. She is dedicated to […]

Student Organization of the Month Award

The Student Organization Advisory Committee is pleased to present the Gay/Straight Alliance with the November Student Organization of the Month Award. In the wake of the national news about homophobic bullying and resulting student suicides, this year Gay/Straight Alliance has greatly increased its membership and its commitment to serving as a welcoming and supportive group for MSUM students. The GSA […]

Student organization budget requests due Dec. 1

Fiscal Year 2012 Student Organization budget requests are due December 1, 2010. Currently recognized or pending student organizations and some campus activity areas, may apply for a Fiscal Year 2012 activity budget by completing the online application between now and December 1. The instructions and budget application are available online at Contact Sandy Schob, Activities Business Manager, if […]

Register for homecoming parade

Homecoming 2010 – Be a Kid Again Register now for the 2010 Homecoming Parade. Show your Dragon Pride and be part of this annual tradition! You can represent an office, student organization, or just have an entry for the fun of it. Register at: today!