American Sign Language Night

American Sigh Language Night (ASL) is April 13, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Come for a night full of fun and signing! Members of ASL Club and the Deaf community will showcase a variety of entertainment including signing songs, performing skits, and showing a short documentary about having a Deaf parent. There will also be several speakers presenting important topics […]

1 in 10 Process Group

Are you a member of the LGBT Community or a person questioning your sexual orientation? Feel like you have no one to talk to about your issues? Come to the 1 in 10 process group. This is a safe and confidential group where you will be able to talk and connect with others.

Apply to be on Student Senate

Are you interested in becoming more involved on your campus? Then apply to be on Student Senate! Open seats include all Academic seats (Arts & Humanities, Business & Industry, Education & Human Services, Social & Natural Sciences, Graduate Studies, Undeclared) as well as Executive Seats (President, Vice President, Treasurer). Apply at