Dr. Brandi Sillerud Speaks at Minnesota Organization of Leaders in Nursing Fall Leadership Conference

On October 27, 2022, Dr. Brandi Sillerud, Professor/MHA Coordinator from the School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership, presented to over 250 nurses representing the majority of hospitals in Minnesota at the Minnesota Organization of Leaders in Nursing (MOLN) fall leadership conference at Breezy Point, Minnesota. Her presentation, entitled “Making Lemonade from Lemons: Leading through Chaos and Change,” examined how change, […]

Undecided Students: Consider LIAS Major

Are you an unsure of what you’d like to major in? Interested in a dynamic, growing field serving older people? Looking for a high job placement major filled with variety? Consider majoring in Leadership & Innovation in Aging Studies (LIAS). Consider this: By 2050, the world’s 60 and older population is expected to double, and the 80 and older population […]

Nancy Stock Publishes in Professional Nursing Journal

Last spring, Nancy Stock, associate professor in the School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership, worked with an elite group of four nurse educators from across the country to map the End of Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) to the updated AACN Nursing Essentials that were released April 2021.  Not only did they cross-walk the competency map, but they also wrote […]

Research on Teaching & Learning and Healthcare Practices to Counteract Disruptions Caused by Pandemic

Recent research projects by School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership Faculty, students, and MSUM staff and administration show the way to counteract disruptions caused by pandemic – Singh, J., Albertson A, Sillerud B. Telemedicine during COVID-19 Crisis and in Post-Pandemic/Post-Vaccine World—Historical Overview, Current Utilization, and Innovative Practices to Increase Utilization. Healthcare. Link – https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare1006104 Singh, J., Singh, L., & Matthees, […]