Dr. Jitendra Singh, Dr. Brandi Sillerud, & Advitya Singh’s new publication on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Dr. Jitendra Singh, Dr. Brandi Sillerud, and Advitya Singh collaborated to conduct research and publish their manuscript entitled “Artificial intelligence, chatbots and ChatGPT in healthcare—narrative review of historical evolution, current application, and change management approach to increase adoption” in the Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence.

Nursing & Healthcare in Ireland Study Abroad- May 2024

SNHL is accepting applications for the 8-night/9-day  Nursing and Healthcare in Ireland study abroad program scheduled for May 2024. This is a great opportunity to explore many educational,  cultural, and historic sites including Trinity College, Belfast’s divided communities, Titanic museum, Hermitage Medical Center (Sanford’s world clinic partner),  Galway (the cultural capital), and the scenic Wild Atlantic Way including the Cliff’s […]

CSHE Student Research – Call for Proposals

The College of Science, Health, and the Environment invites proposals for funding to support student research. For more information on application guidelines and how to apply, please review the attached PDF or reach out to the CSHE office directly.   Application forms for both Fall Student Research Funding and Requests for Travel Support can be found at https://www.mnstate.edu/academics/colleges-schools/cshe/scholarships/, under “Student […]

MSUM adds new healthcare emphasis to its Ed.D. program

MSUM is accepting Fall 2023 applications for its new healthcare emphasis in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership.  This emphasis will give students more opportunities to advance in healthcare education and leadership in the community. The program emphasizes the importance of collaboration between disciplines such as healthcare administration, education and nursing. “Healthcare requires transformational leaders, and this type […]

Dr. Brandi Sillerud Speaks at Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety (MAPS) Virtual Patient Safety Conference

On November 17, 2022, Dr. Brandi Sillerud, Professor/MHA Coordinator from the School of Nursing and Healthcare Leadership, presented to over 100 healthcare leaders from across Minnesota at the 2022 Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety (MAPS) Safety at the Crossroads: Back to the Heart of Patient Safety Virtual Conference. Her presentation entitled, “Creating Safety from the Chaos,” examined how change, chaos, […]