Nursing Prof. Gina Kelly featured in Forum story

Fargo Marathon runner goes from volunteer to contender in one year: Gina Aalgaard Kelly’s transformation from recreational runner to elite competitor began at the finish line of last year’s Fargo Marathon. And she wasn’t even running in the event. Click headline to read more about MSUM’s Gina Kelly.

Jane Giedt receives Minnesota nursing award

Jane Giedt, Nursing, has received the Minnesota Association of Colleges of Nursing (MACN) Outstanding Nurse Educator Award for 2009-2010. Giedt, PhD, RN, CNE, has provided leadership and inspiration to nurses and nursing students for over 35 years in undergraduate and graduate programs locally and regionally. She has taught at every level in nursing education: hospital school of nursing, BSN, RN-to-BSN, MS, and the Doctorate. In addition to her long tenure with MSUM, she recently completed a Fulbright where she taught university-level nursing on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Further international professional travel has included her military service in Desert Storm. Click headline to read full release.

Good Samaritans, including MSUM nursing student, recognized for saving an area woman from choking

Sharon Anderson was eating lunch at the Golden Corral in Fargo earlier this month, when a piece of steak got lodged in her throat. Her cousin Bernell Sannes and two complete strangers, Kathy Oines and (MSUM Nursing student) Susan Ross, took quick action that saved her life. Tonight, those three were given the citizen’s life saving award, in front of family and friends. Click headline for full story.

Nursing students return from Nicaragua

Professor Jane Bergland and seven nursing students recently returned from the ninth annual Nicaragua trip where they provided health care in rural northern Nicaragua. The team included MSUM nursing students, four pediatric residents from Hennipen County Medical Center, four emergency room residents from the University of Chicago, a dentist, faculty, and other ancillary staff. Click the headline for more information and trip pictures.