Dr. Nancy Paul and grad student Priyanka Graten published research article

Speech-Language Pathology graduate student Priyanka Graten and Dr. Nancy Paul published in the online Ohio Speech-Language-Pathology journal, E-Hearsay. The research article Investigation of Script Training Approach to Aphasia Treatment was published in a scholarly format as well as an aphasia friendly format so persons with aphasia could access the research pertaining to them more easily. The single-subject design study focused […]

National Stuttering Association meeting in Moorhead Thursday

The Moorhead chapter of the National Stuttering Association (NSA) will meet Thursday, August 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room (#210) in Murray Hall. Future meetings will be held on September 17, October 15, November 19 and December 17 at the same time and location. Light refreshments will be provided. Contact Bruce Hanson at hansonbr@mnstate.edu for more information.

FM Autism Support Group, MSUM SLHS and CAMC worked together on “Faces of Autism” photo shoot

On Saturday, April 11, a new and wonderful collaboration was started on the MSUM campus between the FM Autism Support Group, the Speech Language Hearing Sciences (SLHS) department, and students and faculty from the College of Arts, Media & Communication (CAMC). Three MSUM campus faculty, Rachel Stotts, Meghan Duda and Don Clark, along with 7 photography students and 10 SLHS […]