MSUM new hires

Please join us in welcoming the following employees to Minnesota State University Moorhead! Make sure to stop by their departments to say hello and let them know it’s a GREAT day to be a Dragon!  January 23, 2018 Jason Werk – OAS Senior, Paseka School of Business (Department Transfer) January 24, 2018 Carrie Stenseth – Student Relations Coordinator, College of Education & […]

Graduate programs included in U.S. News & World Report rankings

Several of MSUM’s graduate programs were nationally ranked in the 2018 U.S. News & World Report Best Online Programs list announced Jan. 9. U.S. News ranks schools based on five general categories, with each program evaluated based on varying weights in the rankings formula. All programs are evaluated in the following categories: faculty credentials and training, student engagement, peer reputation, […]

Dr. Hanson publishes article in Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

Dr. Thomas Hanson recently published an article titled “Effects of 3 Different Elastic Therapeutic Taping Methods on the Subacromial Joint Space” in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics with coauthors Katie Lyman and Kara Gange (NDSU) and Christopher Mellinger (UNC Charlotte). The results were also shared this fall at the Kinesio Taping International Research Symposium.

La Venture, Kim’s coauthored paper accepted at the International Conference on Tourism Research

The student and faculty in the Paseka School of Business — Kelly La Venture (MBA candidate) and Wooyang Kim (Assistant Professor of Marketing) — have been accepted their coauthored paper in the 1st International Conference on Tourism Research 2018, and they will present this study at the conference.  The International Conference of Tourism will be held in Jyväskylä, Finland on March 22-23, 2018. […]