Sannes, Wooyang Kim’s coauthored paper accepted in Atlantic Marketing Journal

Wooyang Kim (Assistant Professor of Marketing, Paseka School of Business) and Drew Sannes (MBA student, Paseka School of Business) have had a coauthored paper accepted for publication in the Atlantic Marketing Journal that is on the list of the qualified articles at MSUM. The title of the research is “A Theoretical Framework of Sports Team’s Well-Being: An Integrative Perspective of […]

First Thursday: Andrew Scott

Thursday, March 1 | 4-5 p.m. | Langseth 118 First Thursday’s second installment for the spring semester features Andrew Scott, Director of Employer Engagement, with the Dakota Medical Foundation. Dr. Scott has an extensive career in building well-being in the workplace, including employment stints with such notable firms as Goldman Sach’s in Manhattan and Life Time Fitness out of Minneapolis. […]

MSUM Collegiate DECA students compete at 2018 Career Development Conference

MSUM Collegiate DECA students recently competed at the 2018 Career Development Conference in Minneapolis. The students attended professional development sessions, competed in two events and worked on a community service project. The results from the competition are listed below. Business to Business Marketing 1st place – Kassondra Kruckeberg and Ashlee Wolsky 3rd place – Ashley Koehn and Taylor Saulsbury International […]

Wooyang Kim’s coauthored paper accepted for Hospitality & Tourism conference

With Dr. Kelly La Venture (Bemidji State University, MBA graduated from the Paseka School of Business, MSUM) and Dr. Kwangsoo Park (North Dakota State University), Dr. Wooyang Kim (Assistant Professor of Marketing) have had their coauthored paper accepted to the 8th Korea America Hospitality & Tourism Educators Conference (KAHTEA). The study, entitled “Cultural Property Value as Antecedents of Tourist Consumption Value and Visit Intention,” investigates […]

Hanson, Kalthoff’s article accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Financial Research

Thomas Hanson, Paseka School of Business, and Jenna Kalthoff, junior finance major and statistics minor, have co-authored an article titled “Financial Literacy, Naive Diversification, and Security Selection” that has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Financial Research. The research was conducted as part of the Honors Apprentice program and was presented at several conferences, including the 2017 […]