Paper co-authored by Pablo published in Review of Managerial Science

The Review of Managerial Science (Springer) recently published the paper titled “Does gender really matter in the boardroom? Evidence from closely held family firms.” Eduardo Pablo, Professor of Finance at the Paseka School of Business coauthored this research with María Andrea Trujillo and Alexander Guzmán who work at CESA Business School, and Maximiliano González who works at the School of […]

Dr. Kim’s coauthored paper accepted in Midwest Academy of Management Annual Conference

Wooyang Kim, Assistant Professor of Marketing at Paseka School of Business, has been accepted his coauthored paper in the 61st Midwest Academy of Management Annual Conference (St. Louise, MO: October 11-13, 2018).  The research title is “The Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Perceived by Customers and the Consequences of These Behaviors: A Test of an Integrative Path Model.”  This study adopted […]

Paseka School of Business welcomes new faculty

The following probationary/tenure track faculty have joined the AACSB accredited Paseka School of Business in Fall 2018: Hyun Sang An as Assistant Professor of Marketing; Ph.D. in Management with Marketing specialization from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (2018) Lakshmi Palaparambil Dinesh as Assistant Professor of Business Analytics; Ph.D. in Business Administration/Business Analytics from University of Cincinnati (2017) Ralf […]

Sheri Erickson named to N.D. State Board of Accountancy

Sheri Erickson, professor of accounting in the Paseka School of Business, was appointed by North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum to serve on the North Dakota State Board of Accountancy. The Board of Accountancy reviews CPA candidate qualifications, registers accountants each year, monitors continuing education, and addresses consumer concerns. There are five Governor-appointed board members who each serve a five-year term.