Sue Severson elected to the Executive Committee of MACTE

Dr. Sue Severson, School of Teaching and Learning, was elected to the Executive Committee of the Minnesota Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (MACTE). MACTE’s mission is to bring together schools, colleges and departments of education to provide leadership in the preparation of highly qualified professional educators. Sue represents one of two MNSCU positions on the board.

Spring Scholarship Gala | Students Directly Impacted by Event Proceeds

By Meghan Feir On Saturday, April 23, 2016, MSUM will once again be hosting an event targeted toward raising money for need-based, merit, academic and athletic student scholarships. Previously known as the Founders Scholarship Gala, the Spring Scholarship Gala is the university’s biggest fundraising event and directly impacts the lives of students across departments. On a seemingly regular school day, […]

Sue Severson and Ximena Suarez-Sousa attended AACTE

Sue Severson and Ximena Suarez-Sousa, School of Teaching and Learning attended the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 68th Annual Meeting in Las Vegas and received a pre-conference training session on validity and reliability of assessment rubrics to evaluate teacher education candidates’ performance. The sessions attended were strategically selected to provide both accreditation coordinators with a clearer understanding […]

Dr. Sheila Marquard co-facilitated a workshop at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference

Dr. Sheila Marquardt, School of Teaching and Learning, co-facilitated a workshop at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference. The session, “Internationalizing teacher education: Creating curriculum spaces for global content” helped teacher educators consider ways to integrate competencies for global citizenship throughout their coursework, despite the pressure to cover US-centric materials.