GIVV Up, Help Others

Startup Weekend team develops tool for nonprofits By Danielle Rebel What would you be willing to give up in order to help others? That’s the question the winning team at Fargo’s Startup Weekend asked and answered. In just a few short days, the team turned a question into a functioning, reliable nonprofit fundraising platform: GIVV App. 

Dr. Severson Attends Washington Week

Dr. Sue Severson, School of Teaching & Learning, attended Washington Week sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, June 5-8. Washington Week consists of two days of a State Leaders Institute followed by Day on the Hill. As a component of Day on the Hill activities, the MN delegation met with all 10 of the MN congressional […]

Faculty, Students Return from Study Abroad Trip to Peru

Five faculty — Mary Dosch, Janelle Miedema, David Paul, Vicki Riedinger, and Lisa Stewart — just returned from a leading a two week study abroad in Peru with 23 students. For the second year in a row, the group was a cross disciplinary service-oriented group consisting of undergraduate and graduate students from education, psychology, speech language hearing sciences, counseling and […]