Severe Weather Awareness Week

Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 4-8, 2022 Tuesday – Severe Weather, Lightning and Hail Are you ready for severe weather? Each year, MN Homeland Security and Emergency Management in collaboration with the National Weather Service sponsors Severe Weather Awareness Week in Minnesota. The week is designed to refresh, remind and educate everyone about the seasonal threats from severe weather and how to avoid them. It’s also a […]

Protect yourself from vehicle theft and break-ins

According to the Moorhead Police Department, there has been an increase in the community of vehicle thefts and vehicle break-ins.  A majority of stolen vehicles are left running and unlocked.  Here is a recent news article pertaining to the increase of thefts in our community. MSUM Public Safety strongly encourage students and employees to follow the recommendations in this flyer […]

Update to Bias Incident on MSUM Campus

In March 2021, MSUM experienced someone promoting a white supremacist organization by posting stickers at several locations on campus.  MSUM Public Safety has collaborated with the Moorhead Police Department in trying to identify the person responsible. Today, the Moorhead Police Department posted the following information on their Facebook account to try to identify the person of interest. Please contact the Moorhead Police […]

Possible Power Outages During Required Testing

On Tuesday, May 18th, 2021, between 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm and Wednesday, May 19th, 2021, between 8:30 am and 12:00 pm, MSUM Physical Plant, Residential Life and Public Safety staff will be conducting required annual testing of emergency lights and exit signs on campus. You should expect to experience power outages and disruption in the campus buildings during these […]

Electronic Door Testing on Wednesday, March 17

On Wednesday, March 17, 2021, we will be testing all exterior electronic doors at various times throughout the day.  This may cause temporary building access issues during the testing.  If you need access to a building and the card access is not working at that time, please call Public Safety (218-477-2449) and we will have a staff member open up […]