e2campus emergency alerts on Twitter

MSUM e2campus emergency alerts are now available to those individuals on Twitter. People can follow us at MSUMe2campus for tweets. We are still sending information out to cell phones and email accounts, but people can follow us on Twitter as well. If first time users would like to sign up for emergency notifications please go to

Self defense for women

All MSUM women are invited to participate in a small group and structured self-defense program. Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) is a nationally recognized self-defense program that teaches women to recognize, avoid and defend themselves from being physically attacked. RAD is a combination of simple, effective physical techniques specifically designed for females along with mental and emotional awareness and preparation. Click the headline to read more.

MSUM Annual Crime Report Available Online

The Minnesota State University Annual Security Report is directly available at http://www.mnstate.edu/security/Reports_Stats/Clery_Final_2009.pdf or through our website at http://www.mnstate.edu/security/patrol.cfm. All prospective students, employees, and visitors are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the information and polices contained in the report. Click headline for more information.

Emergency Evacuation Drills on Sept. 1

The MSUM Safety and Security Department will be conducting emergency evacuation drills in all academic buildings on September 1 from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. Please take this opportunity to review the posted emergency evacuation plans posted throughout all buildings. If you need assistance in locating evacuation routes please contact Michael Parks at 477-5869.