Dr. Stewart completes visiting appointment at University of Otago in New Zealand

As part of her 18-19 sabbatical, Dr. Lisa H. Stewart, Psychology/School Psychology faculty, spent 6 weeks at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. While at the University of Otago, Dr. Stewart presented two Research Seminars, one titled “Early Childhood Language and Literacy Tiered Systems of Support: Key Components and Research Outcomes” and a second titled “Implementing Preschool Effective […]

Gietzen awarded Minnesota Gerontological Society scholarship

Luke Gietzen, a senior majoring in both Gerontology and Psychology, has been awarded a highly competitive Gerald Bloedow Scholarship from the Minnesota Gerontological Society. In 1994, MGS established the Bloedow Scholarship fund to honor the lifelong contributions of Gerald Bloedow to the field of aging and to provide financial assistance to undergraduate and graduate students to further their education in […]

Dr. Stewart publishes article on read alouds in young children

Dr. Lisa H. Stewart is a member of the School Psychology faculty and published the article “Joyful Learning with Stories: Making the Most of Read Alouds” with co-authors Kathleen Horst and Susan True in the March 2019 National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) journal Young Children. The article outlines best practices in implementing Repeated Read Alouds in […]

School Psychology students, faculty attend national conference

Nine School Psychology program graduate students, along with Dr. Mary Dosch and Dr. Peg Potter attended the National Association of School Psychologists annual conference in Atlanta. Second year student Ashley Doll did a verbal presentation based on her master’s thesis which looked at the use of eye-tracking technology as a possible early assessment procedure for identifying autism in preschool children. […]