Geosciences professors, student publish manuscript

Prior MSUM Geography student, Jacob Larson and Geosciences professors Dr. David Kramar and Dr. Karl Leonard published “A Geostatistical Analysis of Seismicity in Oklahoma Using Regression Trees and Neural Networks” in the Journal Physical Geography. This research utilizes machine learning to establish relationships between wastewater injection sites associated with the shale-gas industry, and the prevalence of earthquake activity in Oklahoma. […]

Foss Architects select Bachmeier for large-scale public art commission

Brad Bachmeier will create 2 large-scale ceramic relief sculptures for Riverview Health’s new hospital under construction in Crookston, MN. The large-scale wall hanging featured in the main entrance will consist of a midwestern landscape theme and the second piece will be designed specifically for the children’s clinic and will feature tactile and youth themed elements. The work is scheduled for […]

Students place first at Midwest Undergraduate Data Analytics Competition

Congratulations to MSUM students Eric Honebrink (Economics), Thierry Oke (Computer Science), Jacob Pawlowski (Actuarial Science), and Gabriel Wilberscheid (Computer Science), who received the first place award at MUDAC 2020! Each student will receive $150 in prize money. The Midwest Undergraduate Data Analytics Competition (MUDAC) is a rigorous and prestigious competition hosted this year by Minnesota State University Mankato, but participated […]