Creating Buzz about Bees

Biosciences majors to present at Student Academic Conference on April 14 By Brittany Dunnigan When many people think of bees, honey is the first thing that comes to mind. These incredible little insects, however, play a much larger role in sustaining our ecosystem than simply supplying this sweet treat. Senior James Kawlewski and junior Marissa Reeves, Biosciences students at MSUM, […]

MSUM Percussionist Publishes Article

MSUM Music Education major and percussionist Christopher Iverson published his first article this month in “Minnesota Percussion News,” the bi-monthly newsletter of the Minnesota Chapter of the Percussive Arts Society. In the article, Mr. Iverson discusses his recent travels to Trinidad as a member of the MSUM Trinidad Abroad class and examines the advantages of learning music and culture side-by-side […]