Students to present research at Society for Neuroscience conference

Six MSUM undergraduates (Bioscience majors Devante Delbrune, Asma Mohammed, Ritu Pandey, and Caitlyn Schaffer; BCBT major Tommy Ajayi; and Computer Science major Neeju Singh) will be presenting their research at the annual Society for Neuroscience conference in Chicago, IL that takes place October 19-23. These six students will be attending and presenting at this meeting along with their faculty mentor […]

Geosciences faculty, students attend workshop

Karl Leonard, Professor of Geosciences, and two geoscience students (David Ahumada and Karissa Beierle) attended the 2019 Williston Basin Core Workshop. The event familiarized scientists from academia and industry with the 19 hydrocarbon producing horizons represented in rock core housed at the newly remodeled William M. Laird Core Library. The workshop took place October 7 through 10 in Grand Forks, […]

Dr. Kramar, students present research at GIS/LIS conference

Dr. David Kramar from the Department of Anthropology and Earth Sciences presented his research entitled “Estimation of Total Above-Ground Biomass at Two Sites Using High Resolution Imagery, Machine Learning, and Non-NIR Vegetation Indicies” and the 29th Annual Mn GIS/LIS Conference in St. Cloud, Minn. Four students from MSUM also attended the conference: Asami Minei, Yoko (George) Kosugi, Christine Lidenberg (Anthropology […]