Journalism students win multiple awards in regional contests

Three Campus News Stories Move On to National SPJ Contest Three stories from Campus News, MSUM’s student produced newscast, were named as winners in the Society of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Awards. Stien Michalsen, a photographer for Campus News last spring, won in both the television news photography and the television sports photography categories. Collin Boyles, a 2013 graduate, […]

Anthropology and Earth Science research group visited Meskwaki Indian Settlement during spring break

During Spring Break, Dr. Erik Gooding, Anthropology and Earth Science, led his Meskwaki Ethnohistory Research Group to the Meskwaki Indian Settlement in East Central Iowa for four days of cultural and linguistic presentations. Students met with representatives from the Meskwaki Food Sovereignty Initiative, the Tribal Historic Preservation Director, the Tribal GIS Department, the Language Preservation Department, and the Tribal Museum. […]

School of Business professors present at MBAA International Conference

Professors Sheri Erickson and Mary Stone, School of Business, presented the paper “An Examination of Pfizer’s Crisis Communication Strategies in the Celebrex Case” at the MBAA International Conference, North American Accounting Society sector, March 27, in Chicago. Business student Megan Thorwick was also a co-author on this paper, which examines stock price reaction to communication strategies Pfizer used when the […]

Sixteen students inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society

On Friday, April 4 an induction ceremony was held for sixteen MSU Moorhead students joining the MSUM Chapter of the Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society. This honor society is only available to business programs that have achieved accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). This is the most prestigious level of accreditation available to Business schools […]