School of Art faculty Bachmeier, Sinner awarded grants from The Arts Partnership

Bachmeier and Sinner were 2 of 9 artists to receive funding from the Individual Artist Partnership annual juried grant round for 2020. Bachmeier received support for a multi-faceted project entitled “Conservation Through Clay,” which includes a national traveling exhibition debuting at the North Dakota Museum of Art in Grand Forks May 2021. The support allows Bachmeier to complete ceramic work […]

Wisenden publishes review paper in Diversity

Brian Wisenden, Biosciences Department, published a review paper in a special issue of the journal Diversity. The special issue is entitled “Predators as Agents of Selection and Diversification.” The review article summarizes 21 years of research at MSUM on the evolution of antipredator competence in larval convict cichlids that involved field work with MSUM undergraduates in Costa Rican streams and […]

Wisenden publishes paper in international peer-reviewed journal

Brian Wisenden, Biosciences Department, published a paper in the international peer-reviewed Wilson Journal of Ornithology on signal evolution in red-winged blackbirds. Collaborators on this project were Muir Eaton from Drake University and 23 undergraduates who comprised the summer field courses in Animal Behavior (Wisenden) and Field Ornithology (Eaton) at the Itasca Biological Field Station, University of Minnesota. Open-ended inquiry-based pedagogy […]

MSUM professors’ paper accepted for presentation at international conference

A co-authored paper, “Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: Searching Combinatorial Potential through Knowledge Networks”, by Dr. Siwei Zhu, Dr. Gokce Serdar, and Dr. Xiang Gao from Paseka School of Business has been accepted for presentation at MBAA International 2020 Conference in Chicago. Under the circumstances, the paper would be published in the conference proceeding without in-person presentation.