MSUM faculty paper accepted for presentation at research conference

The paper, “Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: Searching Combinatorial Potential through Knowledge Networks,” by Dr. Siwei Zhu, Dr. Gokce Serdar, and Dr. Xiang Gao from the Paseka School of Business has been accepted for presentation at 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Due to the COVID-19, the summary of our paper would be […]

Lisa Stewart presented on literary instruction to ed leaders

Dr. Lisa H. Stewart, Psychology and School Psychology Professor, was the invited speaker at the final District Assembly meeting of the University of Minnesota Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) on May 28. Over 80 educational leaders from throughout the state attended. Her (virtual) talk was titled “Unpacking Effective Literacy Instruction and Professional Learning: What Every Leader Needs […]

Bachmeier elected Higher Education Coordinator for NDAEA Board of Directors

The North Dakota Art Education Association, a state affiliate of the National Art Education Association, completed its statewide election on May 15 and announced its new 12 member Board of Directors. Brad Bachmeier, elected as Higher Education Coordinator, had served as Executor of the new non-profit and also served on its founding board in 2019. The organization’s mission is to activate, inspire […]

Faculty awarded $19,561 for ‘Shark Tank’ Presentation

MSUM faculty were awarded $19,561 (full funding) for their Minnesota Innovation Grant “Shark Tank” Presentation, “Finding Refuge: Using GIS Technology to unite natural, historical, cultural, and creative experiences in the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge.” The Finding Refuge grant committee includes: Professor Travis Dolence (Distance Learning/Web Librarian), Professor Alex Fogarty (Graphic Communications), Professor Tonya “TJ” Hansen (Economics), Dr. David Kramer (Technical […]