Pandey and Wisenden publish on curriculum standardization of immunology courses

Sumali Pandey and Brian Wisenden, Biosciences Department, published a paper in a peer-reviewed journal. This paper resulted from a multi-institutional collaboration organized by Dr. Pandey to survey topics and concepts currently taught in undergraduate immunology courses with the goal of reaching consensus on common curricular standards across the USA. The article citation is: Bruns HA, Wisenden BD, Vanniasinkam T, Taylor […]

Sillerud, Winkler publish paper in The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning

Dr. Brandi Sillerud, Associate Professor/MHA Program Coordinator and Heather Winkler, MHA, Doctoral Educational leadership student recently published a paper in The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning. The title of the paper: Assessing Healthcare Leader Competency Proficiency Levels in Evaluation Graduate Healthcare Leadership Student Competency Proficiency Levels and Curriculum. This exploratory research aims to utilize industry data when evaluating […]

Beckermann elected to National Communication Association PR division

Kay Beckermann, assistant professor of public relations and digital media, has been elected as an officer for the National Communication Association Public Relations Division. She will be serving on the PRIDE (Public Relations Innovation, Development, and Education) Awards committee. As a member of this committee, Beckermann will review articles in Public Relations Review and the Journal of Public Relations Research […]

Dr. Bradbury publishes peer-reviewed book

The peer-reviewed book, The Nexus of Teaching and Demographics: Context and Connections from Colonial Times to Today, by Boyd L. Bradbury, Department of Leadership and Learning, was released last week by Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Books). The Nexus of Teaching and Demographics: Context and Connections from Colonial Times to Today provides an overview of the evolution of education in the […]

Pandey, Wisenden and undergraduate students publish research from MSUM lab

Sumali Pandey, Biosciences Department, published research from her lab entitled “Factors Contributing to Sex Differences in MiceInhaling Aspergillus fumigatus,” in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, with MSUM undergraduate students Andrea Schaefer, Mai Ceesay, Jennicca Leier, and Jacob Tesch. Brian Wisenden (Biosciences) is also a coauthor on the publication. This research was funded by a $25k grant […]